The food you are eating is only as healthy as the soil it is grown in? It is significant to know that good quality farming processes are used to produce the products you present to yourself and others. An unfortunate hinder to the freshness of your food is the amount of time it takes to get them distributed to you. The vegetables and fruits that we purchase from the shelves may be well over a week old by the time we eat them. The nutritional values of our foods reduce quickly in that time, even if stored correctly.
As a universal rule most of the people are lacking major vitamins and minerals that help in times of illness, stress, or help to keep up healthy bodily growth. Most of the times, fruits are picked up before they are matured (for faster crop turn over) and then sprayed over with toxic chemicals to make them ripen when needed. In some cases, foods are transported from far away places and preservatives (toxic chemicals) are greatly used to make certain that the food does not rot (or appear rotten) before they reach to the stores that we buy them from. Have you ever imagined how it is possible now to get strawberries and mangoes all year round? The usage of those toxic chemicals and technique is divisive and may not be in your best concern to get a healthy lifestyle. But with the proper supplements you can build a healthy lifestyle that you will greatly develop your body’s chances of fighting off illness.