
Monday, July 16, 2012

Why Choose 'Forever Living' as Life Changing Opportunity

Forever living products opportunity
Forever Living Products- The Greatest Opportunity in the World. Wherever you dream of going in life,  Forever Living is a great vehicle for getting you there. Starting in your own home, you can build a business that provides you the time and money to do the thing you have always wanted to do.

What do you dream of? More quality time with loved one? A new Car? A nicer home? Extended vacations? Financial Security?

With Forever Living, they are all closer than your think!

Being with Forever Living Products, more than 9.5 million people around the world are enjoying
  • Natural alternatives to improving health
  • An opportunity to earn greater income
  • Highly quality products and a simple business plan
  • A chance to help others become healthier and wealthier

10 ways To Earn Money from Forever Living Products:
  1. Retail Profit$: 43% retail profit
  2. Personal Bonu$: 5% to 18% on retail sales of your personal volume
  3. Volume Bonu$: 3% to 13% on retail sales of your group volume
  4. Leadership Bonu$: 6%, 3%, 2% on 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation managers
  5. Gem Bonu$: Increased earnings on downline managers
  6. Earned Incentive Bonu$: “Car Plan” Up to $800 per month
  7. Profit $haring: Share in a generous yearly profit program
  8. Per$onal Development: Learn new skills and attitudes
  9. Exotic Vacation$: Earn trips around the world
  10. $pecial Promotion$: Fun ways to enhance your business

Forever Living has all the tools you need to success. Becoming financially independent means controlling your own destiny. It makes almost anything you want in life possible. If your job or career isn’t taking you where you want to go, Forever Living Products offers a great opportunity to change your course. What have you got to lose?

We have taken care of the research and development, market research, packaging, distribution, marketing and paperwork for you. All you have to do is share these proven quality products with your customers and you will have created your very own business!

You are closer than you think.
Find your opportunity to make your dreams a reality...
then take action!

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