
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Aloe Vera Relieves Muscle and Joint Pain

Using aloe vera is well known to get relief from inflammation of joints, reducing arthritis pain. But aloe vera can  also be used internally, reducing inflammation throughout the body from the inside out. People who drink aloe vera gel for two weeks usually begin to experience a significant reduction of inflammation symptoms. This effect is directly connected to the inflammation factor. It works when used both externally and internally. Basically, aloe vera reduces overall inflammation. If you continue eating a pro-inflammatory diet (milk, red meat, white flour, sugar, fried foods etc.) then you will never get rid of all your inflammation with only aloe vera gel, but aloe vera can help to ease your pain while you change to a healthier lifestyle that reduces the inflammation for good!

After a long and active hard working day, we all know the misery of tiredness, pain of muscles. Now you can get rid of that by only grabbing a tube of Aloe Heat Lotion! This affluent emollient lotion contains deep heating agents to make it the perfect massage companion for tired muscles and dry skin. Forever Living’s Aloe Heat Lotion is a pH-balanced, lubricating lotion designed for the soothing and relaxing massage. The deep penetrating power of Aloe Vera will help to soothe your muscles after sports or hard workouts!


  1. I never knew that aloe vera can relieve the pain caused by our joints and the muscles as well. This would be a good news for everyone.

  2. Yes, Aloe Vera works amazingly to get rid of joint and muscle pain. Subscribe for getting the unrevealed information about aloe vera. If you have any query, please feel free to knock me.

  3. Good Post on Inflammation Symptoms

    Inflammation Symptoms

  4. Interesting and important information. It is really beneficial for us. Thanks

    muscle pain relief

  5. Does the aloe lotion have any nsaids/ibuprofen etc in it or is it all natural. Thanks

  6. Is this gel all natural or does it have any nsaids/ibuprofen in it too thanks.
